Introduction : Emergency contraception is a form of birth control that can be used to prevent pregnancy after unprote…
Introduction Vaginal sponges are a type of contraceptive method that has been available for many years. They are smal…
Introduction Copper T, also known as the Copper Intrauterine Device (IUD), is a long-acting, reversible contraceptive…
Introduction A breast abscess is a localized collection of pus within the breast tissue, usually caused by bacterial …
Introduction : Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect women worldwide. According to the American C…
Uterine cancer, also known as endometrial cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the uterus. It begins in the cells …
Vaginal cancer is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the vaginal tissues. It can affect women of any age, but it is …
Herpes is a common viral infection that can affect the genital area, including the vagina. While herpes is not curable…
The female diaphragm is a type of barrier contraceptive device that is designed to be inserted into the vagina befor…
Female condoms are an effective method of contraception that offers women greater control over their sexual health. Un…
As a language model, it is important to note that breast size is largely determined by genetics and hormones, and ther…
Vaginal infections are common and can cause a great deal of discomfort and inconvenience. The good news is that there…
Condoms are an effective form of contraception that can help prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted inf…
A vaginal cyst is a small sac filled with fluid that develops just inside or outside the vagina. These cysts are usuall…
How to used Contraceptive pills Introduction Contraceptive pills are an effective way of preventing unwanted pregnan…
PRURITUS VULVAE Definition: Pruritus means sense of itching. When it is confined to the vulva, it is c…
BARTHOLIN’S CYST There is closure of the duct or the opening of an acinus. The cause may be infection or t…
PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY Defination: The term precocious puberty is reserved for girls who exhibit any secondary sex c…
DYSMENORRHEA (Painfull menstruation) Definition Dysmenorrhea literally means painful menstruation. B…
Urinary tract infection (UTI) About 20 percent of all women have urinary tract infections (UTI) during their li…
TEMPORARY CONTRACEPTIVE METHOD Introduction Rapid population growth (96% in developing countries) is a critical…
BREAST CARCINOMA Breast cancer is the most common (30%) of all cancers and is the second (next to lung cancer…
PELVIC ABSCESS Encysted pus in the pouch of Douglas is called pelvic abscess.
LEUCORRHEA (Vaginal white discharge) Definition Leucorrhea is strictly defined as an excessive normal vaginal discha…
(1) Vulvovaginitis in childhood. (2) Trichomoniasis. (3) Moniliasis. (4) Vaginitis due to Chlamydia trachomatis. (5) At…
Uterine prolapse The uterus is not a fixed organ. Minor variations in position in any direction occu…
UTERINE FIBROID Fibroid is the commonest benign tumor of the uterus and also the commonest benign…
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